Brief von Claudia Stuckmann-Invernizzi aus der Arbeit der Europäischen Frauenunion

Zur Information sende ich als Anlage die Resolution der internationalen Kommission „Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz“ der Europäischen Frauenunion, die auf der Ratsversammlung der EFU in Athen am ersten November- Wochenende angenommen worden ist, zu.
Auf der Ratsversammlung wurden ebenfalls, die Vorsitzenden und stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der internationalen Kommissionen, die die inhaltliche Arbeit der EFU leiten, gewählt.
Nachdem ich vier Jahre lang die Arbeit der Kommission für „Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz“ als stellvertretende Vorsitzende und die letzten zwei Jahre als Vorsitzende geleitet habe, freue ich mich nun, die nächsten zwei Jahre die Arbeit der internationalen Kommission für „Umwelt, Kommunales und Raumordnung“, zu deren Vorsitzende ich gewählt wurde, leiten zu dürfen.
Die inhaltlichen Themen, die die Kommissionen bearbeiten, werden vom Vorstand der Europäischen Frauenunion - in Absprache mit den Vorsitzenden der internationalen Kommissionen - festgelegt.
Sobald die Themen festgelegt sind, kann ich gerne weiter über die bevorstehende Arbeit informieren.
Herzliche Grüβe
Claudia Stuckmann

European Union of Women
Commission Food, Agriculture and Consumers
Chairman: Claudia Stuckmann-Invernizzi, D
Vice-Chairman: Erica Bargman, UK
The role of genetic modification in present and future agriculture
·         The current generation of commercial genetically modified (GM) crops – are herbicide-tolerant, disease- and insect-resistant. Future generations of biotechnology derived crops might offer improved nutritional quality, provision of renewable raw, increased yield and agronomic advantages. However, as long the industry is not able to provide more beneficial products to the consumer, the gap between promised industry benefit and consumers´ experiences widens.
·         As a rule, we need a science-based discussion and not only an emotional debate as it takes/ has taken place. Due to the complexity of the food chain (from farm to fork), former food scandals, and increased consumer awareness of the long-term impacts of farming practice we ask for a clear concept of “sustainable agriculture” and the development of a clear set of indicators and future targets. As sustainable development is such a broad concept, many different issues are being put under its umbrella. Policies need to develop a clear set of indicators for the principles of sustainable agriculture, considering chances, risks and measurable economic, environmental and societal benefits of the respective application. Otherwise, technologies and their contributions to sustainability cannot be judged objectively.
·         Farmers need to a true choice, that is, if they want to they should have the possibility of planting organic, conventional or genetically modified crops.
·         Consumers should have the right to have a true choice of buying organic, conventional or GM food.
Feeding current and future generations safely
The European Union of Women, aware of the need to safeguard future generations round the world, and the consequent obligation to ensure the protection of the entire food chain and the water, air and soil, fundamental to this, urges all members of the EUW, EU members and the European Commission
·      To make every effort to raise awareness among farmers food producers, supermarkets and other commercial interests, scientists, and all those engaged in these areas, of the long term impact of new technologies such as genetic modification of foods and the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers;
·      To act now to reduce waste throughout the food chain, from production and specification through to better waste management and consumer education about the issues.

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